

My work is a passionate and colorful homage to the human form. It brings together an assortment of faces and bodies, ranging from the meager to the muscular and from the graceful to the grotesque. My eye is respectful but also ruthlessly penetrating. It is irresistibly drawn to the psyche. I may be a painter of people but I am also a painter of souls. In each of my portraits I ask the question, Who is the wearer of this seemingly unique suit of skin stretched across a frame of flesh and bone?

I try not only to render my subjects’ surface features but also to render visible, as much as possible, the unseen and elusive occupants within. At first, my brushwork comes off as fierce and lacerating, as if I wanted to tear the canvas apart. Upon closer examination, a lightness and tenderness of touch become evident, as if my brush gave form, finally, and paradoxically, to the immaterial. From portrait to portrait though, my various interpretations of the human soul bear an uncanny resemblance to each other. While we vastly differ in our physical predicament, we are remarkably similar within. Perhaps we are all possessed by the very same single soul.